12 Tips for a Healthier Christmas!
by Jason McGinn
Christmas is in full swing! Its the season for drinking, eating and being Merry. So how do we enjoy ourselves but not compromise all our hard work and healthy habits? We've compiled the top 12 tips with the help of www.becomingness.com.au to help keep you on track this season!
1. Don't make unrealistic weight goals during the festive season. Choose a few days of the season where you'll indulge, but try to stay on track with your regular eating & exercise the rest of the time.
2. Don't skip meals. This is a big no-no. Skipping meals = unhealthy choices later.
3. Eat BEFORE you go to the party! Eat a healthy snack before you hit the party so you don't need to eat as much while you're out.
4. Don't stand near the food table. The further away you are from the food table, the less likely you'll unnecessarily pick at it.
5. Try to make healthier choices when selecting meals. Think vegetables, protein and salad!
6. Pay attention to your portion sizes.
7. Don't feel obligated to eat everything that is served to you.
8. If you're hosting, making sure you include lots of healthy choices for yourself and your guests.
9. Get creative with your cooking. Check out our healthy recipes in the blog!
10. Limit your alcohol intake. You don't have to be the fun police, just be mindful.
11. Bring a dish. If you're host isn't the healthiest of healthy, bring a plate that you'll love to share.
12. And finally, try not to feel too guilty when you do indulge.
Happy Holidays from our family to yours xx